Assigned Assessments

Video how to – Assigned assessments

Check out the videos below for help with Assigned assessments. If you still have questions don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at 1. Creating an Assigned assessment 2. Duplicating an existing assessment 3. Assigning students or sections to an assessment 4. Updating students or sections assigned to

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Tool Tip session recordings

Thank you for your interest in Crowdmark. Now that you have access to the platform, here are some helpful tips to help you navigate and experiment with the features we offer.   1. Improving student success using Crowdmark 2. Printing, scanning and uploading best practices 3. Moving from online to

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Course accommodations

If students require accommodations that remain consistent across all assessments, you can set a date or time modifier for them just once at the course level. Due dates and assessment time windows are adjustable on a per-student basis. When accommodations are set in the course, the students’ modified requirements will be

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Verifying a student’s submission attempt

If a student claims that there was an issue completing or submitting an assessment, you can see a log of their submission activity. The log shows all the information Crowdmark has on the status of a student’s submission. Students can also see the log by following the instructions on the Verifying

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Submitting on behalf of a student

After the due date, students can’t edit or resubmit their work. Instructors and facilitators can edit and resubmit for students at any time (even after grades have been returned). To submit on behalf of a student or modify a submission, you can follow the instructions below to go to the

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Resending assessment submission emails to students

A student may have lost, deleted, or not received the email containing the link to submit their assessment. You can see the status of your students’ emails anytime and resend them if needed. Note: emails to students are only notifications. While the student not receiving an email can indicate an

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Accommodation options for assigned assessments

Assigned assessments have flexible timing and scheduling options for students who need accessibility accommodations. Instructors can use the timed assessment feature to set an asynchronous assignment, which allows students to write at a time that’s convenient for them, within a designated window. Read more: Creating a timed assessment Additionally, due dates,

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Managing students in Assigned assessments

The Students page of an Assigned Assessment contains a wealth of information available to Facilitators and Instructors. What can you see on the Students page? Name: This information includes either the student’s name, email address, or both, and corresponds to what is listed on your Course’s Students page.  Student ID #: If

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Creating a Timed assessment

Scheduling online assessments can be a challenge. Students don’t always have consistent availability or they may live in different time zones. With timed assessments, instructors can choose to send an assessment to students with a set amount of time for them to sit down and complete it before the due

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Creating an Assigned assessment Video transcript Crowdmark’s Assigned assessment workflow allows an instructor to deliver homework assignments and exams to students that are submitted and graded fully online. This video will show you how to create an Assigned assessment. From your Course page, click Create assessment, name your assessment, and then select Next.

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Scheduling and distributing Assigned assessments

There are several options to choose from when scheduling Assigned assessments. Instructors can distribute the work to students immediately, or schedule it for future. Synchronous and asynchronous timing are available, as well as adjustments for individual students. Once you have completed your assessment settings and added questions, the Setup page

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Managing team members

Team members include co-instructors, TAs, graders, anyone who will help with printing, scanning or grading assessments in your course. A description of each role can be found here: What is the difference between team member roles? Adding team members From the Course team page, team members can be added with their email

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The assessment settings page

The Assessment settings page contains high level controls for your assessment. On this page you can find and edit: Assessment title. Click the pencil icon to change the title of your assessment. Shareable link (Assigned assessments only). Click the link icon to copy and paste a link to the assessment for

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Duplicating Assigned assessments for sections or multiple versions

An instructor or facilitator can duplicate any assessment that they have created in Crowdmark, from any course. This makes it easy to re-use and re-purpose assessments from previous courses, and allows instructors to create multiple versions of the same assessment. To duplicate assessments: Use the Search function at the top of the

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2024 Training Webinars With Maggie and Martin

In class, online or hybrid Our training webinars are designed to help you navigate through Crowdmark for both in-person and online assessments. Engaging in our training program will help you overcome any hurdles you encounter related to assessment set-up, the grading interface, or student success. Tuesday Tool Tips Every Tuesday

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Timing in assigned assessments

Crowdmark allows for a high degree of flexibility in timing when assessing students remotely. With students all around the world, you may often see students in multiple time zones writing a single test, exam or assignment. Using Crowdmark you’re able to choose the best set up for your students in

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What will students see after I distribute the assessment?

Notification email After you click Distribute or if distribution happens automatically by scheduling, an email will be sent to every student. It will look like this: Even if a student does not receive the email, the assessment will be visible when the student signs in to their Crowdmark account. Viewing the assessment

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Hybrid assessment: using Assigned assessments in class

Many instructors prefer in-person assessment, for reasons such as academic integrity, practical application or ease of answering student questions. Crowdmark’s digital Assigned assessment workflow is generally associated with online learning, however it also provides flexibility of submission and grading in a hybrid workflow for in-person assessments. This workflow requires students

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How are due dates and penalties enforced?

During the assessment setup, you’ll be prompted to enter a due date and (optionally) a penalty for late submissions. How is the due date enforced? Students will see the due date and penalty on their assessment submission pages: Students can submit and resubmit their assessments anytime before the due date.

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Creating a group assignment

Instructors can set up their assigned assessments to allow for group submissions. Instructors can form the groups of students or students can create their own groups. Any single member of the group can submit on behalf of the group and a single group assessment will be graded. To avoid overwriting submissions,

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Adding questions to an assignment

Types of questions/responses For each question, you’ll need to select which type of response students will submit. You have the choice between Image/PDF file, Text (with Markdown formatting) and Multiple choice. To learn more about how students interact with the different response types, see Completing and submitting an assessment.  Use the dropdown menu below the Question

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Can't find the answer to your question?

If you are a student, please contact your instructor or school’s help desk.
If you are an instructional team membercontact Crowdmark Support.