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Privacy Policy

Crowdmark is committed to maintaining the integrity and privacy of its users, including you (“you”). This Privacy Policy explains how Crowdmark collects, uses, shares, retains and protects your personal information that may identify you, including in connection with your use Crowdmark’s website at crowdmark.com (the “Website”).

Using the Website, you may upload, submit and post information (including forms of exams, tests, essays, lab reports, and other student work (“assessments”), competed (in whole or in part) assessments, and grades, marks and scores on or in connection with partially or fully completed assessments), text, graphics, photos or other materials to the Website, directly or through another Website user (which Crowdmark calls “Content”).

Crowdmark collects, uses and discloses your personal information in order to develop and provide you and other Crowdmark users with the services you request, improve your online experience, communicate with you about Crowdmark’s services, and contact you about Crowdmark promotions. At its most basic level, Crowdmark wants to create lifelong accounts that store every assessment ever written by every student, teacher, instructor, marker, grader that has an account with Crowdmark. Crowdmark only collects, uses, discloses and stores your personal information as described in this privacy policy (the “Privacy Policy”).

Your Acceptance of Privacy Policy

By agreeing to the terms of Service for the Website, or by using the Website, you signify your acceptance of this Privacy Policy.

If you do not agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy, please do not use the Website. Your continued use of the Website following the posting of changes to this Privacy Policy will mean that you accept those changes.

You cannot open an account if you are under the age of 13 and you live in the United States. If you are under 13 year of age and you live in the United States, please do not attempt to register for Crowdmark or send any information to Crowdmark. If Crowdmark learns that information from a person under the age of 13 living in the United States has been submitted to Crowdmark or uploaded to the Website, Crowdmark will delete the information as soon as possible.

Personal Information Crowdmark Collects

Personal information you provide

Crowdmark collects your personal information through the Website when you choose to provide such information as discussed below. When you choose to share it, Crowdmark collects:

  • your name and e-mail address when you sign-up for a Crowdmark account;
  • information, such as your name, that can be used to identify you every time you upload, post or submit Content to the Website;
  • your name and e-mail address when you contact Crowdmark with any questions, comments, requests or feedback;
  • your credit card information and billing address when you purchase certain of Crowdmark’s services with your credit card where it is necessary to complete the sales transaction on a one-time or re-occurring basis, as the case may be; and
  • your name, which appears on the first page of any of your Content you upload, submit or post to the Website including on your competed assessments, and associated with your Crowdmark account.

Personal information Crowdmark obtains through your use of the Website

Each time you visit the Website, Crowdmark may collect information, including some of your personal information, through your IP address, and by using cookies and web beacons, as described below.
  • An Internet Protocol (“IP”) address is a number that automatically identifies the computer/machine you have used to access the Internet. Crowdmark uses your IP address to send you the web pages that you want to visit, and it may disclose the server owned by your Internet Service Provider. Crowdmark may use IP addresses to conduct Website analyses and performance reviews and to administer the Website.
  • A “cookie” is a piece of information that a website transfers to a user’s computer for purposes of storing information about a user’s preferences. Cookies in and of themselves do not personally identify users, although they do identify a user’s computer and can qualify as personal information. Crowdmark uses cookies to provide useful features when you visit the Website. You can set your browser to refuse cookies, but some portions of the Website may not work properly if you refuse cookies .
  • A “web beacon” is an electronic image (also referred to as an “action tag,” “single-pixel,” or “clear GIF”) that is commonly used to track the traffic patterns of users from one web page to another in order to maximize web traffic flow and to otherwise analyze the effectiveness of websites. Some web beacons may be unusable if you elect to reject their associated cookies. Some of the Website’s web pages may use web beacons in conjunction with cookies to compile aggregate statistics about your use of the Website.

Personal information and content Crowdmark obtains from third parties

Crowdmark may attempt to collect information you created, before or after you had a Crowdmark account, from third parties, such as schools, teachers and instructors, including forms of assessments, competed assessments, and grades and scores on or in connection with completed assessments, which Crowdmark calls “Indirect Content”.

If Crowdmark collects any of your Indirect Content it will enter into a contract with that third party which requires the third party to ensure, and provide assurances to Crowdmark, that it has your consent to disclose that Indirect Content, including any of your personal information therein, to Crowdmark. If any of your personal information appears in or on your Indirect Content, it will be used, disclosed and stored in accordance with this Privacy Policy, and it will be connected and linked with you, your account and your personal information you voluntarily provided to Crowdmark.

If you want to know if Crowdmark has obtained any of your Indirect Content, or if you want Crowdmark to stop using personal information collected from your Indirect Content, or if you want Crowdmark to delete this personal information, you can contact Crowdmark anytime as described in this Privacy Policy.

How Crowdmark Uses Your Personal Information

Personal information you provide

Crowdmark uses the personal information you voluntarily provide in order to address your requests for information about Crowdmark’s products or services, to maintain your account and your profile, and to offer and deliver a variety of products and services to certain users of the Website and to third parties as set out in this Privacy Policy, as described below. Crowdmark will not use your personal information other than as specified in this Privacy Policy.
  • When you contact Crowdmark with questions, comments, requests or feedback, Crowdmark will use your name and e-mail address to communicate with you and respond to you.
  • When you purchase certain of Crowdmark’s services with your credit card, Crowdmark uses your name, credit card information and billing address to process and complete the sales transaction on a one-time or re-occurring basis, as the case may be, but will not retain this credit card and billing information longer than is necessary to process or complete the transaction. Crowdmark may also use your personal information to contact you to confirm your purchase and provide you access to the services purchased.
  • If you have created an account, Crowdmark will use your name and e-mail address to identify you and maintain your account in order to provide you with the services you request. To do so, Crowdmark uses your name and e-mail address to link to all of your Content and all Content provided to Crowdmark through your account, all Content from third parties on or in connection with your Content, and any of your Indirect Content. Crowdmark retains all of this information (including your personal information) for as long as you have a Crowdmark account. The following examples explain how Crowdmark will use your personal information address to identify, maintain your account and connect you with Content.
  • Assessment Creators – If you are a teacher, instructor, or facilitator, Crowdmark may link your assessments (in other words, your Content) with your name and account.
  • Assessment Writers – If you are a student, Crowdmark may connect your completed assessment (in other words, your Content) with the grade and marks on your completed assessment provided by a grader (in other words, third party Content) and with the assessment questions provided by a teacher (also third party Content) and link all of this information to your name, e-mail address and account.
  • Assessment Graders – If you are a teacher, instructor, marker, grader or facilitator Crowdmark may connect your grades, marks and comments on partially of fully completed assessments (in other words, your Content) with your name, e-mail address and account.
  • If you have created an account, Crowdmark may also use your name and e-mail address to communicate with you by e-mail about Crowdmark’s Services, certain changes to Crowdmark’s Services, certain changes to the Website terms of use, your use of Crowdmark’s services, or Crowdmark’s promotional or marketing efforts. If you would like to stop receiving promotional or marketing e-mails from Crowdmark, please see the section below entitled, “Your Decisions about your Personal Information”.
  • If you have created an account and you live in the United States, Crowdmark will use your date of birth to verify that you are at least 13 years of age.
In some cases, Crowdmark may remove personal identifiers, such as your name, from your personal information and Content and maintain the information in non-personalized, aggregate form that may later be combined with other information to generate anonymous, aggregated statistical information.

Personal information Crowdmark collects automatically (cookies and web beacons)

Crowdmark uses cookies and web beacons to improve your online experience when you visit the Website by:
  • recognizing you when you return to the Website; and
  • studying how you navigate through the Website and which products you request in site searches so that Crowdmark can improve the design, content and function of the Website and Crowdmark’s services.
Crowdmark may hire third-party service providers to assist in the collection and analysis of cookies and web beacons, but none of your personal information is disclosed to these third party service providers.

How Crowdmark Shares Your Personal Information

Crowdmark will not sell, rent, license, or trade your personal information with third parties for their own direct promotional or marketing use unless Crowdmark receives your express consent to do so. Unless you provide consent to do so, Crowdmark will not share your personal information other than as specified in this Privacy Policy.

Disclosing personal information to other Crowdmark users

In order to offer its services Crowdmark may disclose your personal information to other users of Crowdmark’s services only as is necessary for assessment evaluation and grading team management, as described below.
  • Assessment Creators – If you are a teacher, instructor, or facilitator, Crowdmark may disclose your name to students, markers, graders and proctors registered with Crowdmark to allow them to connect your Content with your name.
  • Assessment Writers – If you are a student, Crowdmark may disclose your name to schools, teachers, instructors, facilitators, markers, graders and proctors registered with Crowdmark to allow them to connect grades and marks on Content to your name.
  • Assessment Graders – If you are a teacher, instructor, marker, grader or facilitator, Crowdmark may disclose your name to other teachers, instructors and facilitators, and to schools, and students registered with Crowdmark to allow them to connect your Content to your name.
Crowdmark will not disclose your name to third parties not registered with Crowdmark. Crowdmark will only disclose your name to third parties registered with Crowdmark as described above. Any organizations and individuals receiving your personal information from Crowdmark can only use it to the same extent that Crowdmark can use it under this Privacy Policy, and do not have any right to further share or disclose that personal information.

Sharing personal information with third parties assisting Crowdmark

Crowdmark may share your personal information with trusted companies that work with, or on behalf of, Crowdmark to process information, including payment processing companies and information processing companies. These companies do not have any independent right to use, share, disclose or retain your personal information.

Sharing anonymous information with third parties

Crowdmark may remove personal identifiers, such as your name, from your personal information and Content and maintain the information in non-personalized, aggregate form that may later be combined with other information to generate anonymous, aggregated statistical information. Crowdmark may give or sell such anonymous, aggregated group data to Crowdmark’s affiliates, business partners, service providers and vendors; if it does so, Crowdmark will not disclose your individual identity or personal information. Unless Crowdmark seeks and receives your express approval, Crowdmark will not share your personal information with third parties (other than other Crowdmark users as set out in this Privacy Policy).

Disclosing personal information under special circumstances

Crowdmark may disclose information about you to respond to subpoenas, court orders, legal process or governmental regulations, or to establish or exercise Crowdmark’s legal rights or to defend against legal claims, or if Crowdmark believes it is necessary to share information in order to investigate, prevent or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to the physical safety of any person, or as otherwise required by law.

If Crowdmark is to be sold, merged or amalgamated or is to sell or dispose of substantially all of its assets, your personal information may be transferred to a potential purchaser if, and to the extent, necessary for the purposes of deciding whether to proceed with the sale and completing the sale. If such a sale, merger, acquisition or disposal is completed, the purchaser may use and disclose your personal information only to the extent described in this Privacy Policy if the information relates solely to the carrying on of the business or activity or the carrying out of the objects for which the sale, merger or acquisition took place.

Storing your Personal Information

Crowdmark will store and retain your name, e-mail address for as a long as you maintain a Crowdmark account so that Crowdmark can offer you and its other users the services you and they want and expect to receive from Crowdmark.

Crowdmark will only store payment information, if any is collected, for as long as is necessary to process and complete a transaction, whether a one-time transaction on a reoccurring basis.

If Crowdmark has disclosed your personal information to a third party in accordance with this Privacy Policy, Crowdmark has no control over how long and how such third parties store that personal information.

Your Decisions about your Personal Information

Amending and updating your personal information and your consents

By sending Crowdmark an e-mail to privacy@crowdmark.com, mailing Crowdmark at 131 Cowan Ave, Toronto, ON M6K 2N1 you can quickly, at no cost, and at any time:

  • review the personal information provided to Crowdmark through your account;
  • review the personal information provided to Crowdmark in connection with your Content and your account;
  • withdraw your consent for Crowdmark’s use and disclosure of your personal information;
  • update or amend your account information, including your name or e-mail address;
  • request a list of third parties to which Crowdmark may have provided your personal information;
  • cancel your Crowdmark account, as described below; or
  • stop receiving promotional or marketing e-mails from Crowdmark.

When inquiring about or updating your personal information, Crowdmark may ask you to verify your identity before it can act on your request.

Cancelling your account

You can cancel your account at any time by contacting Crowdmark as shown above.

If you cancel your Crowdmark account, all of your personal information will be removed from Crowdmark’s databases as quickly as is reasonably possible and will no longer be used or disclosed by Crowdmark. If you cancel your Crowdmark account you will not be able to use any of Crowdmark’s services and you cannot recover Content previously provided to Crowdmark through your account.

Referrals and Links

The Website contains links to third-party websites that may offer information of interest. This Privacy Policy does not apply to those websites, and Crowdmark recommends reviewing those websites’ privacy policies individually.


Crowdmark understands that storing data, including personal information, in a secure manner is essential. Crowdmark stores personal information and other data using industry standard physical, technical, organization and administrative safeguards to secure data against foreseeable risks, such as theft, unauthorized use, access, disclosure, copying, destruction or modification. While Crowdmark attempts to create a secure and reliable Website for users, the confidentiality of any communication or material transmitted to or from the Website or via e-mail cannot be guaranteed.

Crowdmark limits access to your personal information within Crowdmark to individuals on a need-to-know basis. Crowdmark makes its employees, agents and contractors aware of the importance of protecting your personal information.

Your personal information may be transferred, processed and stored on servers in countries outside of Canada, including the United States, and may therefore be subject to different laws than those applicable in Canada. While Crowdmark undertakes to protect your personal information when it is transferred outside of Canada, the laws of other jurisdictions may require the disclosure of your personal information to governmental authorities under circumstances that are different than those that apply in Canada and are contemplated under this Privacy Policy.

Children’s Privacy Protection

Crowdmark understands the importance of protecting the privacy of children in the interactive online world. The Website and the Crowdmark services are not designed for, or intentionally targeted at, children living in the United States who are thirteen (13) years of age or younger and Crowdmark does not intentionally collect or maintain information about anyone living in the United States under the age of thirteen (13). No one under the age of thirteen (13) and living in the United States should submit any personal information or Content to Crowdmark or the Website.

Policy Updates

This Privacy Policy may be revised from time to time as Crowdmark adds new features and services, as laws change, and as industry privacy and security best practices evolve. If Crowdmark makes any change to this Privacy Policy regarding collection, use, disclosure or storage of personal information, Crowdmark will provide advance notice on the Website. Small changes or changes that do not significantly affect individual privacy interests may be made at any time and without prior notice. Crowdmark recommends that you check this webpage periodically in order to review the current Privacy Policy. You can tell if this Privacy Policy has changed by checking the effective date that appears at the bottom of this Policy.


If you have any questions, inquiries or complaints about this Privacy Policy or about Crowdmark’s handling of your personal information, please contact Crowdmark as follows.

Crowdmark, Inc. br ‘ 131 Cowan Ave br ‘ Toronto, Ontario, M6K 2N1 br ‘ CANADA
Attention: Privacy Officer
E-mail: privacy@crowdmark.com

Privacy Policy last updated: September 29, 2022