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Creating an assessment

You can create two kinds of assessments in Crowdmark: Administered and Assigned.

The Administered assessment allows an instructor to create paper exams, tests, or assignments that are written by students and then scanned into Crowdmark for evaluation.

The Assigned assessment empowers an instructor to deliver assessments to students electronically with a due date and provides students with methods to enter or upload their responses for evaluation on Crowdmark.

All students and team members are included in an assessment by default but you can include or exclude specific students, sections or team members.

Creating an assessment

  1. From your course page, click Create assessment
  2. Enter a name for your assessment in the Assessment title field and click Next.
  3. Choose the type of assessment you wish to set up. To learn about the difference between Administered (in-person) and Assigned (online) click here.

Creating an Assigned (online) assessment

  1. Select Assigned (online)
  2. Choose whether students will submit as an individual or a group. Click here to learn about group assessments.

  1. You can use the Previous arrow to go back to any of the previous steps to change your selections.
  2. Confirm you selections by clicking Finish. This will take you to the Assessment setup page.

  1. From the Assessment setup page you can create questions, schedule the assessment, manage the student and team rosters, and manage the comment library.

Next steps

Creating an Administered (in-person) assessment

  1. Select Administered (in-person)
  2. Click Upcoming assessment to set up your QR-coded assessment in Crowdmark. You’ll also see an option for Ready for grading, which is a new workflow coming soon!   
  3. You can use the Previous arrow to go back to any of the previous steps to change your selections.
  4. Confirm you selections by clicking Finish. This will take you to the Assessment setup page.
  5. From the Assessment setup page you can upload your assessment template; label your questions and multiple choice answer sheet; manage the assessment roster and the Comment library. Once your students have written the assessment, this is also where you’ll manage scans and complete matching.

Next steps


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