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Using the comment library

Comments can be managed through the comment library tool, which can be accessed through the book icon in the grading toolbar.

The comment library shows all comments you have left on a question. Graders can see their own comments and shared comments, and Instructors and Facilitators can see everyone’s comments. Using the comment library, you can view comments filtered by version, as well as view all shared comments for a question.

Benefits of using the comment library include:

  • Once a comment is in the library, it can be used to grade that question through the entire assessment.
  • If you select a comment then edit the content, it will save as a new comment.
  • Comments from randomized questions are labelled by version, and they are available to be used across any version of that question.
  • Comments can be edited once to change every instance used across the assessment
  • Instructors and Facilitators can also set up comments in the comment library or set a rubric using comments before grading starts.
  • A comment can be shared with the grading team by turning on its Share with team toggle. Shared comments will appear in every grader’s comment suggestions.

Searching for comments

To find a comment in the comment library, use the Search bar in the top left. All comments containing that keyword will appear, along with labels for which question and version they belong to.

You can also search for a comment while grading: when you begin to type comment content, auto-suggestions from your comment library will appear below. If you’re grading a question with versions, comments that apply to the version you are grading will appear first, followed by comments from other versions.

Comments from all versions will be available to be used. Duplicate comments across versions will display in each version, and will be linked automatically in the library to preserve bulk-editing.

Filtering evaluations by comment

Above each comment you will see the number of times it has been used. Grading teams can click on this number to show all evaluations using the comment using the filter tool. If the toggle to Allow graders to see each other’s evaluations is turned off, only Instructors and Facilitators will have access to this comment filter.

Bulk editing comments

If a comment has been used multiple times, you can make changes to all instances of the comment by using the comment library. Graders can only see and make changes to their own comments, Instructors and Facilitators can see and make changes to everyone’s comments. Duplicate comments automatically revert to the existing comment in the library, so you won’t need to worry about having to edit more than one. It will be important, however, to keep track of minor edits that have saved as a new comment. In an assessment with question randomization where there are linked duplicate comments across versions, you will have the option of editing the comment for the current version, or for all versions.

  1. Select the comment you wish to edit.
  2. Click the Edit buttton below the question content.
  3. Make your changes and click Save. All instances of the comment will be updated.

Reordering comments

You can reorder comments to customize how they are displayed in the comment library as well as in the grading toolbar. To do this, drag a comment up or down the list of comments in the left sidebar of the comment library.

Adding a comment before grading

If you have a rubric or example feedback prepared in advance, you can create comments and associate them with point values without grading student work.

    1. Select the question or version you’re working on, and click the New comment button in the upper right corner of the comment library. A blank comment will appear.
    2. Enter your comment text, point value (optional) and click Save. Your comment will be stored in the comment library and will appear in your list of frequently used comments, visible in your comment toolbar. Comments for multiple versions of a question will be labelled as This version and Other versions. Comments from all versions will be available to use on any version, and duplicate comments across versions will be linked to preserve bulk-editing.

  1. Optional: If you are an Instructor or Facilitator and wish to share your comments with the grading team, see the next section, Sharing a comment with your team.

Sharing a comment with your team (Instructors and Facilitators)

Instructors and Facilitators can choose to share comments with the grading team. When a comment is shared, it will appear in the comment libraries and comment suggestions of all Graders, Facilitators, and Instructors on the team. The comment is read-only to Graders.

Also see: Using a rubric

  1. Select the comment you wish to share.
  2. Click the Share with team toggle above the comment content. The comment will be shared.

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