Instructors and Facilitators can create rubrics in advance of grading by creating shared comments with points in the Comment library. When a comment is shared, it will appear in the Comment libraries and comment suggestions of all Graders, Facilitators, and Instructors on the team. Team members can then drag and drop the comments onto student work to apply the feedback and points to the question.
Setting up a rubric
You have two options for setting up a rubric in the comment library: you may set it up directly within the library in the grading interface, or you may fill out and import a CSV of comments to the library.
To set up a rubric within the comment library
- Open the Comment library.
- Click the New comment button in the upper right corner. A text box will appear.
- Click the Share with team toggle above the question content. The comment will be shared.
- Enter the comment text and points and click Save.
- Repeat with each rubric item.
If you create a comment in a randomized question that’s identical to an existing comment in another version, it will appear in the current version, and will link back to the original comment. This preserves the ability to bulk-edit comments later on
To set up a rubric using a CSV
- From your Assessment setup page, or from your Assessment settings tab, click Manage comment library. The Manage comment library modal window will appear

- Select which question(s) you would like to export the comments from, or select Export library. If there are no comments existing, you may click Export library to export a blank CSV containing the necessary column headers.
- Click the Export button to download a CSV file.

The comment library export file will contain the following headings:
- Label: The question label that the comment is associated with.
- Version: Which version of the question this comment applies to. This column will only appear if there are randomized question versions in use. Duplicate comments across versions will be linked in the comment library, preserving the ability to bulk-edit. Comments from any version are available across all versions.
- Comment: The comment text.
- Points: Points associated with the comment or blank if no points are associated. This column should contain only positive or negative points, as combining the two may result in inaccurate point totals.
- Shared: “true” if the comment has been shared with the team or “false” if not.
- Times used: The number of times the comment has been used by all graders in the assessment.

- Open your CSV file of comments and change the question labels in the Label column to match the question labels in your assessment, if needed. Crowdmark needs the correct labels to know which question each comment is associated with.
- From your Assessment setup page, or from the Assessment settings tab, click Manage comment library. The Manage comment library modal window will appear.

- Ensure that All questions (entire library) is selected.
- Click the Import library from CSV file button.

- Select your CSV file. You will see a message with the number of comments that were detected in the file.
- If the file name and number of comments looks correct, click the Yes, import comments to library button

- You will see a message confirming the number of comments uploaded to each question.

For CSV upload troubleshooting, see Importing and exporting the comment library.
Grading with the rubric
- Toggle on the comment toolbar.
- The method for using comments (rubric items) will be slightly different depending on the type of response you are grading:
Image/PDF file: Drag and drop a comment onto the student’s work. The comment’s points will be applied to the question.
Text (with Markdown formatting): After selecting text to add a comment to the page, drag and drop a comment into the text field.