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Creating remote exam sessions in bulk

Distance education coordinators may create sessions in bulk by importing a CSV file with session information. If you are a coordinator who needs to create remote sessions on behalf of multiple instructors, and you do not have access to this role in Crowdmark, please contact Crowdmark Support.

Preparing a CSV file with session information

We recommend that you use a spreadsheet program like Excel or Apple Numbers and export your worksheet as CSV format. It is important to format your CSV file exactly as specified in the instructions below.

CSV headers and formatting

Your file must have columns with the following header names. Note that rows that contain the same values for start, end, location, and proctor are considered to be a single session with multiple students.

  • start
    The start date (time optional) of the assessment, eg: “Jan 12, 2017 at 12:30pm EST”. If the timezone is not specified, it will default to UTC time.
  • end (optional)
    The end date (time optional) of the assessment, eg: “Jan 13, 2017”.
  • location (optional)
    Location of the exam session.
  • student_id
    The Student ID or email address of the student to add to the session.
  • proctor_email
    Email address of the proctor to be invited to the session.
  • assessment_id
    The Crowdmark ID of the assessment that the student is enrolled in. You can find this in an assessment’s URL. For example, given the assessment URL https://app.crowdmark.com/exams/math-104-midterm/dashboard the ID is math-104-midterm.
  • note (optional)
    Instructions/notes for the proctor.
  • contact (optional)
    Your contact information, in case the proctor needs to contact you.

Example CSV

“Jan 12, 2017 at 1:30pm EST”,“”,“Room X12”,“richard.feynman@example.com”,“proctor@example.com”,“math-101-final”,“Contact phone: 555-555-5555”
“Jan 12, 2017 at 1:30pm EST”,“”,“Room X12”,“rosalyn.yalow@example.com”,“proctor@example.com”,“math-101-final”,“Contact phone: 555-555-5555”
“Jan 15, 2017”,“Jan 16, 2017”,“Room 5B”,“98688409”,“proctor@test.net”,“chem-212-final”,“Contact phone: 555-555-5555”

This example CSV would generate 2 sessions. The first 2 students would be part of the first session since their start date, end date, location, and proctor columns are identical. The last student would be part of a separate session.

Uploading the CSV file

  1. Sign in to Crowdmark and click Coordinate in left sidebar. Your sessions table will appear.
  2. Click the Import from CSV button in the upper right corner to upload your file.
  3. If the file is formatted correctly and the data matches up, you will see the imported sessions in your sessions list and the proctors will automatically be invited to access them.

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