What is the difference between team member roles?

When setting up your course, there are several permission levels you can assign your team:

  • Instructor: Has access to all features.
  • Facilitator: Has access to all features in assessments, but limited access to the course.
  • Grader: Can grade assessments and see grading progress. Does not have access to any identifiable student information (including cover pages), evaluations left by others (unless enabled), or assessment administration. Note: Ready to grade assessments do not require separate cover pages, and do not guarantee student anonymity.
  • Printer-Uploader: Only has access to the Uploads page of assessments, which includes an upload area as well as a button to download the printable PDF of blank assessments.

A user with Instructor permissions can change team roles at any time. If you are a team member and you don’t have access to features or functions you require, contact your lead instructor.

Role permissions

Course permissions

Access Students section
Access Team section
Create assessments
Delete course

Assessment permissions

Download blank assessments
Upload scanned assessments
Match booklets to students
Access Students section
Access Team section
Include/exclude students
Include/exclude team members
Grade student work
View/clone other graders’ evaluations
View/clone other graders’ evaluations
Set the primary evaluation
“Go to” a specific student while grading
Access Questions section
Access Results section
Return grades to students
Change assessment settings
Lock assessment
Delete assessment

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