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Understanding evaluations

An evaluation is the collection of annotations, comments, and score left on a question by a grader. When viewing student work, you’ll see a list of evaluations in the right sidebar.

Multiple evaluations left on a page

  • If nobody has graded the question, you’ll see Your name (new) indicating that you’re looking at your own blank evaluation that has not yet been saved. Once you add an annotation, comment, or score, your evaluation will be saved.
  • If another grader has graded the question, you will see their evaluation first. You will also see an Add evaluation button, and if you’re an Instructor or Facilitator, a Clone/Edit evaluation button.
Note: each evaluator may only place one evaluation per question. If you have an existing evaluation, you will not be able to add another one. Your current evaluation may be edited, or you may clear all annotations you placed on the page to restore the question to an ‘ungraded’ state and start over

Primary evaluations

Students will only see one grader’s evaluation when their grades are returned. This evaluation is called the “primary” evaluation. While grading, the primary evaluation is indicated by the checkmark icon to the right of the grader’s name. By default, the first evaluation left on the question is marked as primary. Instructors and Facilitators can override this by adding their own evaluation or by selecting another evaluation to be primary.

Multiple evaluations left on a page

Cloning evaluations left by others

Instructors and Facilitators have the option to clone another grader’s evaluation. This is useful in situations where an Instructor or Facilitator is reviewing a grader’s work and needs to make changes before the evaluation is shown to the student. Cloning leaves the grader’s work untouched while the Instructor or Facilitator makes changes to their own copy, ensuring that ownership of each piece of feedback is maintained.

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