A new school year has officially kicked off, and with it comes fresh opportunities to make this academic term your best one yet. Our team has been hard at work developing new features to enhance your grading and assessments for the fall semester. Explore our latest additions listed below!
New Administered Workflows

We added Ready to Grade and Non-QR Coded Crowdmark Booklets to give you more flexibility in your paper-based assessments. Ready to grade assessments may have already been written, and require no formatting in Crowdmark before scanning and uploading for grading. Non-QR coded Crowdmark booklets offer features like auto-graded multiple-choice bubble sheets and auto-matching of student information, along with more flexible formatting compared to traditional QR coded booklets. Both of these new workflows allow you to photocopy booklets! Click here for more details.
Stamps With Points

Speed up your grading with our new point stamps! With just one click, you can instantly add or remove points using the stamp tool. Each click automatically adjusts the score, making your grading process quicker and more efficient.
Bulk Student Accommodations

Adding accommodations for groups of students has never been easier. You can now select multiple students at either the course or assessment level to set an accommodation for Assigned assessments. See more in our Help centre.
Improved Student Submission Tools

Students can now upload multiple image or PDF responses at once, and assign them to questions. This tool only appears when more than one image/PDF question is present, and helps streamline the submission process for students.
Student Mental Health Resources

Students can now access on-campus mental health support services directly from the Crowdmark interface. These resources, provided by your institution, are there to help students when they need it the most, during stressful assessment periods. To learn how to implement this feature at your institution, please contact support@crowdmark.com.
Ready to try Crowdmark in your courses? Sign up for a free trial! If you are interested in learning more about Crowdmark’s new features, join a free training session. Sign-up for training webinars or book a custom session for your institution here.