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3 Myths of Remote Learning Debunked

Online education puts a spin on what might come to mind when you think about your traditional classroom. Remote learning has become pervasive due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, and with it comes a few misconceptions.

Opinions from both educators and students are mixed as to the effectiveness of online education; not all teachers are well-suited to the format, and not all students are able to do their best work using it. Because of this, some myths have cropped up about distance learning.

In this article, we’ll debunk the top three myths associated with the digital classroom.

Myth #1: Not being in the classroom means teachers have more time

Many believe that, by not physically being in a classroom, teaching classes will take less time. This is not necessarily true. Educators actually spend more time adapting their in-person lessons to an online format that limits student interaction and resources.

Online classes still involve learning materials, engagement from students, assignment submission, and digital grading, but the significant change in the way teachers and students interact means that online classes are more complex than in-person classes.

Therefore, the teacher will spend just as much time and energy teaching and creating meaningful experiences in their digital classroom as they would their physical ones.

Myth #2: Teachers and students don’t want to go back to school

This is a common belief among frustrated parents who want their kids back in school, especially when their kids aren’t doing so well in their virtual classrooms.

The truth, however, is that most teachers are fearful of returning because governments at all levels are failing to provide adequate safety measures to prevent COVID-19. Many teachers want to go back to school, but they want to do so safely. The government has failed to make safety measures clear, and in some provinces and states, have denied teachers priority for vaccination as frontline workers.

Additionally, schools that were struggling with maintenance issues previous to the pandemic will only struggle further when faced with health and safety concerns caused by outdated heating and ventilation systems. The classroom is simply not a safe environment for teachers or students in this condition.

Myth #3: Distance learning works for no one

Distance learning has presented our education system with new challenges every single day. It would be amiss to say that these challenges have not led to widening learning gaps, but there are also undeniable wins.

For example, the University of Delaware is a prime example of how successful remote learning can be when implemented well. Teaching staff and faculty moved over 6000 courses online in just two weeks, thus squashing any barriers to learning for their students as seamlessly as possible.

There has also been success at the University of Waterloo by using technology and software to their advantage. Using digital grading and online assignment submissions can expedite the process of grading papers and allow teachers to focus on what they do best: teaching!

Don’t let these common myths of remote learning fool you

It might seem like both teachers and students alike are struggling with the transition of distance learning, but in many instances, it is the safest way for everyone to continue learning. Remote learning and distance education are nothing new—they have both existed in the United States and the world for nearly two centuries.

When given the right tools and technology to submit homework and grade assignments, distance learning can be a very effective way to conduct classes.

Crowdmark’s digital grading software can help give educators and institutions the ability to transfer to online teaching without any hiccups seamlessly. Our platform helps with accepting assignment submissions, digital grading and giving formative feedback so that your students can continue to learn most safely and effectively possible.

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About Crowdmark

Crowdmark is the world’s premiere online grading and analytics platform, allowing educators to evaluate student assessments more effectively and securely than ever before. On average, educators experience up to a 75% productivity gain, providing students with prompt and formative feedback. This significantly enriches the learning and teaching experience for students and educators by transforming assessment into a dialogue for improvement.